FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Appendices > Compliance

Appendix: Agency Compliance

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This appendix contains important notices about FaxPress' Ringer Equivalency Number (REN), FCC, and Telephone Company compliance, as well as a French safety advisory.

Ringer Equivalency Number

This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC rules. You will find the label on the bottom of this equipment. This label contains the FCC Registration Number and Ringer Equivalent Number for this equipment. You must, upon request, provide this information to your telephone company.

The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should call your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your calling area.

Jack Type Needed

Connection to the telephone network should be made by using standard modular telephone jack types (USOC) RJ11C or RJ11W.

Port—Line 1-4
Service Order Code—9.0F
Facility Interface Code—02LS2
Network Jacks—RJ11

Incidence of Harm

If your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. If advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.

FCC Part 15 Warning

This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with this manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.

FCC Part 68 Information

Castelle FaxPress products comply with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. The FCC Part 68 Label is located on the bottom of the enclosure. This label contains the FCC Registration Number for this equipment and the Ringer Equivalence Number (REN). If requested, this information must be provided to your telephone company.

Connection to the telephone network should be made by using standard modular telephone jacks, type RJ11. The plug and/or jacks used must comply with FCC Part 68 rules.

Facility Interface & Service Order Codes





LINE 1 – 8




The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most, bur not all areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your calling area.

Fax Branding

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer or other electronic device to send any message via a telephone fax machine unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business or other entity, or individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business, or entity, or individual.

In order to program this information into your fax machine, refer to Advanced Functions for instructions on including date and time and identification parameters.

Rights of the Telephone Company

Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the proper operation of your equipment. If they do, you will be notified in advance to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service.

This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs.

If trouble is experienced with this unit, please disconnect the unit from the telephone line and contact customer service at the address and phone number listed below. DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THIS EQUIPMENT. It does not contain any user serviceable components.

Attn: Customer Service
855 Jarvis Drive
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone: (408) 852-8080

Electrical Safety Advisory

We recommend the installation of an AC surge arrestor in the AC outlet to which this equipment is connected. Telephone companies report that electrical surges, typically lighting transients, are very destructive to customer terminal equipment connected to AC power sources. We recommend the installation of an AC surge arrestor in the AC outlet to which this equipment is connected. Telephone companies report that electrical surges, typically lighting transients, are very destructive to customer terminal equipment connected to AC power sources.

Power Source

The Castelle FaxPress models operate from specific AC power sources. Refer to Appendix C to find the right power source for your FaxPress model.

All FaxPress models operate from a single-phase power source. Operation from power sources where both current-carrying conductors are live with respect to ground (e.g. phase-to-phase on a 3-wire system) is not recommended.

Proper AC source grounding, and grounding circuit continuity are vital for safe operation

Use only the 3-wire, 3-terminal power cord provided for the FaxPress 3500, 5000, 7000 and 7500. Use the AC adapter provided for the FaxPress SBE and 2500.

To preclude the possibility of electrical shock, do not ever remove the Faxpress case.

French Safety Advisory

Déclaration FCC

Cet appareil est conforme aux normes exigées pour les appareils digitaux de Classe A, selon l'article 15 des réglementations FCC. Le fonctionement est soumis à deux conditions :

Cet appareil ne causera pas d'interferences nausives

Cet appareil doit accepter quelquonque interference reçue, même si celle-ci pourrait causer un disfonctionement.

Avertissement sur l'inscription CE

Cet appareil est de classe A. S'il est situé à l'interieur, il peut causer des parasites. Dans ce cas, l'usager doit prendre des mesures en conséquences.

Mesures de securité :


Le FaxPress de Castelle fonctionne sur 90-250 volts et une source de cournant alternatif de 60/50 Hz. Ne pas le connecter à aucune autre source de courant.

Attention : Toujours debrancher le cordon d'alimentation de n'importe quelle source d'énergie avant l'entretien de l'appareil afin d'éviter tout risque d'éléctrocution.

Source de courant :

Le FaxPresss de Castelle fonctione avec une source de courant monophasée.Le fonctionement à partir de sources de courant dont les deux conducteurs de courant sont porteurs d'éléctricité ( d 'une phase a l'autre sur un sytem a 3 fils) n'est pas recommandée.

Attention : Pour un fonctionement sans risque, brancher l'appareil sur une source de courant alternatif AC et s'assurer de la continuité de la base de circuit.

Cordon d'alimentation

Le FaxPress est liste UL et vendu avec un cordon détachable à 3 fils avec une prise à trois becs afin de se connecter à la source de courant.

Attention : Utiliser seulement le cordon à trois fils vendu avec l'appareil.

Mise en garde

Pour éviter tout risque d'éléctrocution, de pas retirer le FaxPress sans avoir débrancher le cordon de la source de courant alternatif auparavant.

Mode d'emploi pour les FaxPress 3500 & 5000


Le voltage requis pour les FaxPress 3500 et 5000 est de 90a 250 Volts et le courant doit etre d'une puissance de 60/50 Hz CA (courant alternatif)…Ne pas connecter ses appareils a aucune autre source de courant. Consulter le tableau recapitulatif sur les caracteristiques du serveur FaxPress dans l'appendice C pour de plus amples informations.

Attention : Toujours debrancher le cable electrique de la prise avant de pour eviter tout electrocution.

Courant Electrique

Les FaxPress 3500 et 5000 fonctionnent sur un courant . . . . L'utulitsation d'uncourant dont les deux conducteurs sont relies a une prise de terre n;est pas recommendee. Seul le conducteur du cable electrique a des fusibles proteges.

Attention : Courant AC sont vitals pour un bon fonctionement.

Cable Electrique

Les FaxPress 3500 et 5000 possedent un cable compose de 3 fils electriques detachables qui sont UL listed avec une prise a 3 tetes pour la connection au courant electrique.

Attention : Utiliser uniquement le cable electrique compose de 3 fils electriques avec une prise a 3 tetes vendu avec le FaxPress.

Mise en Garde:

Pour eviter tout risque d'electrocution, ne pas detacher les FaxPress 3500 et 5000 sans avoir d'abord debrancher les appareils du courant alternatif.

Important Information for Canadian Customers

The Canadian “Industry Canada” (The Department of Communications) label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements. Industry Canada does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.

Before installing this equipment, make sure you are permitted to connect to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. You must install the equipment using an acceptable method of connection. In some cases, you may also extend the company's inside wiring for single line individual service by means of a certified connector assembly (telephone extension cord). You should be aware, however, that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.

Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.

Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.

Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.

LOAD NUMBER: The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a telephone loop which is used by the device to prevent overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.

CTR21 Declaration

Castelle FaxPress servers have been approved [Commission Decision 98/482/EC - CTR21] for pan-European terminal connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). However, due to differences between the individual PSTNs provided in different countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful operation on every PSTN termination point. In the event of problems, you should contact your equipment supplier in the first instance.


FaxPress WebHelp
Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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