Class ProjectRoleUpdateInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ProjectRoleUpdateInfo
    extends ServiceDataObject
    ProjectRoleUpdateInfo provides the info needed to add or remove a user from a project role.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ProjectRole getRole()
      Gets the role that will be updated.
      ProjectRoleAction getRoleAction()
      Gets the action to perform (e.g. add or remove the user from the role).
      long getUserID()
      Gets the ID of the user whose role will be updated.
      void load​(com.opentext.api.LLValue value)
      Deserialize an ServiceDataObject from an LLValue that is received from Livelink.
      void setRole​(ProjectRole value)
      Sets the role that will be updated.
      void setRoleAction​(ProjectRoleAction value)
      Sets the action to perform (e.g. add or remove the user from the role).
      void setUserID​(long value)
      Sets the ID of the user whose role will be updated.
      com.opentext.api.LLValue toLLValue()
      Serialize an SDO object to an LLValue that can be sent to Livelink.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns a string representation of the object consisting of the object name and any features and their values within square brackets.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProjectRoleUpdateInfo

        public ProjectRoleUpdateInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • setRole

        public void setRole​(ProjectRole value)
        Sets the role that will be updated.
      • getRole

        public ProjectRole getRole()
        Gets the role that will be updated.
      • setRoleAction

        public void setRoleAction​(ProjectRoleAction value)
        Sets the action to perform (e.g. add or remove the user from the role).
      • getRoleAction

        public ProjectRoleAction getRoleAction()
        Gets the action to perform (e.g. add or remove the user from the role).
      • setUserID

        public void setUserID​(long value)
        Sets the ID of the user whose role will be updated.
      • getUserID

        public long getUserID()
        Gets the ID of the user whose role will be updated.
      • load

        public void load​(com.opentext.api.LLValue value)
        Description copied from interface: IServiceDataObject
        Deserialize an ServiceDataObject from an LLValue that is received from Livelink. The LLValue is an Assoc that contains all of the features of this SDO. These features may refer to other SDOs and contain arrays of primitive values or SDOs. Each referenced SDO, will have its load() method called as well. Note: this is an internal method not meant to be called by clients.
        Specified by:
        load in interface IServiceDataObject
        load in class ServiceDataObject
        value - the LLValue containing the data to be loaded
      • toLLValue

        public com.opentext.api.LLValue toLLValue()
        Description copied from interface: IServiceDataObject
        Serialize an SDO object to an LLValue that can be sent to Livelink. Each feature of the SDO is stored in a key of the LLValue Assoc. Any references to other SDOs cause their toLLValue() method to be called. Note: this is an internal method not meant to be called by clients.
        Specified by:
        toLLValue in interface IServiceDataObject
        toLLValue in class ServiceDataObject
        Returns the LLValue object that represents this SDO
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Description copied from class: ServiceDataObject
        Returns a string representation of the object consisting of the object name and any features and their values within square brackets. Intended for simple debugging or logging of an SDO.
        toString in class ServiceDataObject