OpenText | Content Web Services

Creating a New Service

This tutorial explains how to create a new Service to use with CWS. We will create a new service called HelloWorld.


Create OScript Project

The first thing we need is a new OScript project in Eclipse to work with.

  1. Open Eclipse and make sure you are using the OScript perspective.

  2. Open the File menu and select New → OScript Project.

    • Enter HelloWorld for the Project name.
    • Enter C:\HelloWorld for the Project location.
    • Enter C:\OPENTEXT for the Content Server directory (OTHOME).
  3. Select Finish.

    Create New OScript Project

Create a New OScript Module

Next, we will create a new OScript Module for our service.

  1. Open the File menu and select New → Other (Ctrl + N).

  2. Select Module from the OScript folder and select Next.

    Create New OScript Module

  3. Enter HelloWorld for the OSpace Name and select Finish.

    Create New OScript Module

  4. Restart Content Server and install the module.

Create a Service Object

Next we will create a Service object.

  1. Create a new package by right-clicking the HELLOWOLRD OSpace in the OScript Explorer view and select New Package. Enter Service for the Package Name and select Finish.

    Create New OScript Package

  2. Create a new object in the Service package by right-clicking the Service package and select New Object. Enter HelloWorld for the Object name, SERVICE::Service for the Parent object and select Finish.

    Create New OScript Object

  3. Open the HelloWorld.os file and add the following code:

    package HELLOWORLD::Service
    public Object HelloWorld inherits SERVICE::Service
    	override Boolean fEnabled = TRUE
    	override String fDescription = "A simple Hello World service."
    	override String fNamespace = "Hello"
    	public function Assoc GetMessage()
    		return .SetReturnValue( "Hello World!" )

Create a ServiceMethod Object

Next we will create the ServiceMethod object.

  1. Create a new package by right-clicking the HELLOWORLD OSpace in the OScript Explorer view and select New Package. Enter ServiceMethod for the Package Name and select Finish.

    Create New OScript Package

  2. Create a new object in the ServiceMethod package by right-clicking the ServiceMethod package and select New Object. Enter GetMessage for the Object name, SERVICE::ServiceMethod for the Parent object and select Finish.

    Create New OScript Object

  3. Open the GetMessage.os file and add the following code:

    package HELLOWORLD::ServiceMethod
    public Object GetMessage inherits SERVICE::ServiceMethod
    	override Boolean fEnabled = TRUE
    	override String serviceName = "HelloWorld"
    	override String description = "Gets the Hello World message."
    	override List parameters = Undefined
    	override Assoc returnDef = Assoc{
    		"typeName" : "String",
    		"nativeType" : StringType,
    		"description" : "Gets the hello world message.",
    		"namespace" : Undefined,
    		"isSDO" : FALSE,
    		"isArray" : FALSE,
    		"isEnum" : FALSE
    	override Assoc faultCodes = Undefined
    	override Boolean requiresServiceToken = TRUE
    	override String sinceVersion = Undefined
    	override String deprecatedReason = Undefined

Generate Source Code

Next we need to generate the C# and Java source code using the generateSourceAPI.e script. To run the script, first make the following changes:

After these changes are made you can run the script and it will generate the Java and C# code for your service.

Create .NET Service

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. Open the File menu and select New → Project (Shift + Ctrl + N).

    • Select .NET Framework 3.5 as the .NET Target Framework.
    • Select Class Library as the Project Type.
    • Enter HelloWorld for the Solution name (you need to make sure the Create directory for solution option is selected).
    • Enter HelloWorldAPI for the project Name.
    • Enter C:\HelloWorld\cs_src for the project Location.
  3. Select OK.

    Create New Project

  4. Delete the generated Class1.cs file.

  5. Open the Project menu and select Add Existing Item... (Shift + Alt + A).

    • Browse to the C:\HelloWorld\cs_src\services\hello directory and select all the .cs files.
    • Click the arrow beside the Add button and select Add As Link.

    Add Existing Item

  6. Add references to the following files provided:

    • LapiService.dll
    • OpenText.ContentServer.API.dll
    • OpenText.Livelink.Service.Core.dll

    Add References


    These DLL files can also be found here:


  7. Add references to the following assemblies:

    • System.ServiceModel
    • System.Web.Services

    Add References

  8. Open the Project menu and select HelloWorldAPI Properties.

    • Change the Assembly name to OpenText.Livelink.Service.Hello.
    • Change the Default namespace to OpenText.Livelink.Service.Hello.

    HelloWorldAPI Project Properties

Build and Deploy .NET Service

We can now build and deploy the .NET version of the HelloWorld service. Here is an ANT build.xml file to build the Visual Studio solution and copy the required files into a directory that can be used to host the services with IIS.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project default="build">

	<!-- Default build properties -->
	<property environment="env" />
	<property file="" />

	<target name="build" depends="compile.dotnet, deploy.dotnet" />

	<!-- Compiles the generated C# files -->
	<target name="compile.dotnet" description="Compiles the generated C# files.">
		<fail unless="env.DevEnvDir"
			message="The DevEnvDir environment variable is undefined; it must be defined by running %VS110COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat." />

		<exec executable="devenv"
			<arg line="${web.svc.csharp.sln}.sln /rebuild Release /out ${build.dir.dotnet}/devstudio-build.log" />

		<!-- Fail the build if the C# build returns anything other than 0 -->
		<condition property="">
				<equals arg1="0" arg2="${compile.csharp.result}" />

		<fail if=""
			message="Build result code: ${compile.csharp.result}. See ${build.dir.dotnet}/devstudio-build.log for any errors." />

	<!-- Copies the required .NET files into a directory that can be used to create an IIS application. -->
	<target name="deploy.dotnet" depends="compile.dotnet"
		description="Copies the required .NET files into a directory that can be used to create an IIS application.">

		<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}" />
		<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}/bin" />

		<copy todir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}" flatten="true" failonerror="false">
			<fileset dir="${src.dir.csharp}/services" includes="**/*.svc, Web.config" />

		<copy todir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}/bin" failonerror="false">
			<fileset dir="${src.dir.csharp}/${web.svc.csharp.sln}/${web.svc.csharp.impl.proj}/bin/Release" includes="*.dll" />


The corresponding file is shown here:

# Source Files

# Service Specific Items

# Output Directories

# Deploy Directories

Run the ANT build. Create an application in IIS and point it to the build/webservices/dotnet/helloworld directory. You should now have a working HelloWorld service for .NET.

Test .NET Service

Next we will create a simple test client to test the service. We will simply just add a project to our existing HelloWorld Visual Studio solution.

  1. Open the HelloWorld solution in Visual Studio.

  2. Open File menu and select Add → New Project...

    • Select Visual C# Console Application as the project Type.
    • Enter HelloWorldTestClient as the project Name.
    • Select OK.

    New Project - HelloWorldTestClient

  3. Add a service reference for CWS and point it to the CWS Authentication service and the HelloWorld serivce.

    1. Open the Project menu and select Add Service Reference....
    2. Enter the URL of the CWS Authentication service in the Address box and select Go.
    3. Enter CWS as the namespace and select OK.

    Add Service Reference

  4. Open the Project menu and make sure the Show All Files option is selected.

    In the Solution Explorer view, open the Service References → CWS → Reference.svcmap file.

    Add a new MetadataSource element for the HelloWorld service.

    	<MetadataSource Address="http://localhost/cws/Authentication.svc" Protocol="http" SourceId="1" />
    	<MetadataSource Address="http://localhost/helloworld/HelloWorld.svc" Protocol="http" SourceId="2" />
  5. In the Solution Explorer, select the CWS service reference under the Service References folder.

    Open the Project menu and select Update Service Reference.

  6. Modify the Program.cs file as follows and change the username and password variables to use the credentials of a valid user on your system.

    using HelloWorldTestClient.CWS;
    using System;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    namespace HelloWorldTestClient
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // The user's credentials
                string username = "username";
                string password = "password";
                // Create the Authentication service client
                AuthenticationClient authClient = new AuthenticationClient();
                // Store the authentication token
                string authToken = null;
                // Call the AuthenticateUser() method to get an authentication token
                    Console.Write("Authenticating User...");
                    authToken = authClient.AuthenticateUser(username, password);
                catch (FaultException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}\n", e.Code.Name, e.Message);
                    // Always close the client
                // Create the HelloWorld service client
                HelloWorldClient helloWorldClient = new HelloWorldClient();
                // Create the OTAuthentication object and set the authentication token
                OTAuthentication otAuth = new OTAuthentication();
                otAuth.AuthenticationToken = authToken;
                // Call the GetMessage() method
                    Console.Write("Getting the message...");
                    string message = helloWorldClient.GetMessage(ref otAuth);
                    Console.WriteLine("Message = {0}\n", message);
                catch (FaultException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}\n", e.Code.Name, e.Message);
                    // Always close the client
  7. If everything is setup correctly you should eb able to successfully run the program.

    Open the Debug menu and select Start Without Debugging (Ctrl+F5).

    HelloWorldTestClient Result

Create Java Service

First we will create a .NET project to generate the required WSDLs and XSDs for the service.

  1. Open the HelloWorld solution in Visual Studio.

  2. Open the File menu and select Add → New Project...

    • Select .NET Framework 3.5 as the .NET Target Framework.
    • Select Console Application as the project Type.
    • Enter HelloWorldService for the project Name.

    Select OK.

    New Project

  3. Add a reference to the HelloWorldAPI project.

    Open the Project menu and select Add Reference.

    In the Solution → Projects tab select the HelloWorldAPI project and select OK.

    Add Reference

  4. Add a reference to the OpenText.Livelink.Service.Core.dll file.

    Open the Project menu and select Add Reference.

    In the Solution → Projects tab select the HelloWorldAPI project and select OK.

    Add Reference

  5. Copy the generated Web.config file into the project and rename it to App.config.

    The Web.config file is located in the cs_src/services directory.

  6. Open the Program.cs file and replace the contents with the following:

    using OpenText.Livelink.Service.Core;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    namespace HelloWorldService
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                string baseURL;
                bool generateWSDL = false;
                DirectoryInfo outputDir = null;
                if (args.Length == 1)
                    baseURL = args[0];
                else if (args.Length == 2)
                    baseURL = args[0];
                    outputDir = new DirectoryInfo(args[1]);
                    generateWSDL = true;
                    if (!outputDir.Exists)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("Unable to create {0}. ErrMsg: {1}", outputDir, ex.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage: WcfServiceHost baseServiceURL [wsdlOutputDir]");
                SelfHostingServer serviceHost = new SelfHostingServer();
                    serviceHost.StartService(baseURL, generateWSDL, outputDir);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error starting services: {0}", ex.Message);
                if (!generateWSDL)
                    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop all services...");
  7. Open the Project menu and select HelloWorldService Properties.

    Select the Debug tab and under the Start Options → Command line arguments enter http://localhost:83/helloworld.

    Run the program and you will have your HelloWorld service available at http://localhost:83/helloworld/HelloWorld.svc.

    If you add another argument to the Command line arguments pointing to a folder on your system running the program will generate the WSDLs and XSDs needed for creating the Java version of the service. This is shown in the build script below.

Run Full Build

We are now ready to build everything using the complete version of the ANT build.xml file shown below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project default="build">

	Sample ANT build project for the HelloWorld service.
	Builds the API classes and creates a .NET and a Java version of the web service.

	<!-- Default build properties -->
	<property environment="env" />
	<property file="" />

	<path id="classpath">
		<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/java/commons-logging-1.1.jar" />
		<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/java/csapi.jar" />
		<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/java/service-api-10.5.0.jar" />
		<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/java/service-jaxws-10.5.0.jar" />

	<path id="jaxws.classpath">
		<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/java/jaxws-tools.jar" />

	<taskdef name="wsgen" classname="">
		<classpath refid="jaxws.classpath" />

	<!-- Full Build. -->
	<target name="build"
		depends="compile.dotnet, deploy.dotnet,,"
		description="Full Build." />

	<!-- Deletes the entire build directory. -->
	<target name="clean"
		description="Deletes the entire build directory.">

		<delete dir="${build.dir}" />

	<!-- Compiles the generated C# files and generate the WSDL for Java. -->
	<target name="compile.dotnet"
		description="Compiles the generated C# files and generate the WSDL for Java.">
		<fail unless="env.DevEnvDir" 
			message="The DevEnvDir environment variable is undefined; it must be defined by running %VS110COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat." />

		<exec executable="devenv"
			<arg line="${web.svc.csharp.sln}.sln /rebuild Release /out ${build.dir.dotnet}/devstudio-build.log" />

		<!-- Fail the build if the C# build returns anything other than 0 -->
		<condition property="">
				<equals arg1="0" arg2="${compile.csharp.result}" />

		<fail if=""
			message="Build result code: ${compile.csharp.result}. See ${build.dir.dotnet}/devstudio-build.log for any errors." />

		<!-- Generate WSDL files from WCF and store them in the webapp directory for JAX-WS -->
		<mkdir dir="${build.dir.dotnet}/wsdl" />

		<exec executable="${src.dir.csharp}/${web.svc.csharp.sln}/${web.svc.csharp.svc.proj}/bin/Release/${web.svc.csharp.svc.proj}"

			<arg line="http://localhost:83/${} ${build.dir.dotnet}/wsdl" />

	<!-- Copies the required .NET files into a directory that can be used to create an IIS application. -->
	<target name="deploy.dotnet"
		description="Copies the required .NET files into a directory that can be used to create an IIS application.">

		<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}" />
		<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}/bin" />

		<copy todir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}" flatten="true" failonerror="false">
			<fileset dir="${src.dir.csharp}/services" includes="**/*.svc, Web.config" />

		<copy todir="${deploy.dir.dotnet}/bin" failonerror="false">
			<fileset dir="${src.dir.csharp}/${web.svc.csharp.sln}/${web.svc.csharp.impl.proj}/bin/Release" includes="*.dll" />

	<!-- Copies the generated Java files and generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services. -->
	<target name=""
		description="Copies the generated Java files and generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services.">

		<mkdir dir="${}/classes" />

		<javac srcdir="${}/services" destdir="${}/classes" optimize="false" debug="true" includeantruntime="false">
				<path refid="classpath"/>

		<wsgen sei="com.opentext.livelink.service.${web.svc.namespace}.${}_JAXWS"

				<pathelement location="${}/classes"/>
				<path refid="classpath"/>
				<pathelement location="${}"/>

	<!-- Bundles the compiled Java classes into .jar files and creates a .war file that can be deployed in Tomcat. -->
	<target name=""
		description="Bundles the compiled Java classes into .jar files and creates a .war file that can be deployed in Tomcat.">

		<delete dir="${}/lib" />
		<delete dir="${}" />

		<mkdir dir="${}/lib" />
		<mkdir dir="${}" />
		<!-- Create the Java API distribution -->
		<jar destfile="${}/lib/${}-api-${web.svc.version}.jar">
			<fileset dir="${}/classes">
				<include name="com/opentext/livelink/service/**/*.class" />
				<exclude name="com/opentext/livelink/service/**/*_JAXWS.class" />
				<exclude name="com/opentext/livelink/service/**/jaxws/*.class" />
				<section name="com/opentext/livelink/service/">
					<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${} API" />
					<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${web.svc.version}" />
					<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Open Text Corporation" />
		<!-- Create the JAX-WS distribution -->
		<jar destfile="${}/lib/${}-jaxws-${web.svc.version}.jar">
			<fileset dir="${}/classes">
				<include name="com/opentext/livelink/service/**/*_JAXWS.class" />
				<include name="com/opentext/livelink/service/**/jaxws/*.class" />
				<section name="com/opentext/livelink/service/jaxws/">
					<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${} - JAX-WS support" />
					<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${web.svc.version}" />
					<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Open Text Corporation" />
		<!-- Create the WAR file -->
		<war destfile="${}/${}.war" webxml="${basedir}/resources/jaxws/web.xml">
			<webinf dir="${}/services/com/opentext/livelink/service">
				<include name="sun-jaxws.xml" />

			<webinf dir="${build.dir.dotnet}">
				<include name="wsdl/*"/>

			<lib dir="${}/lib" />
			<lib dir="${basedir}/lib/java" />

				<section name="WEB-INF">
					<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${} Web Application" />
					<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${web.svc.version}" />
					<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Open Text Corporation" />


And the referenced is as follows:

# Source Files${basedir}/java_src

# Service Specific Items
web.svc.version=1.0.0 Service

# Output Directories

# Deploy Directories

Open a command prompt and run the ANT build. You should get the following result:

Build Result

The build\webservices\dotnet\helloworld contains the required files for the .NET version of the service. You can use this directory when creating an application in IIS.

The build\webservices\java\webapps contains the helloworld.war file for the Java version of the service. You can copy this file to the Tomcat webapps directory to deploy the service in Tomcat.

Source Code
