Class Node

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Node
    extends ServiceDataObject
    A Node is the basic object of document management in Content Server.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.Integer getCatalog()
      Gets the integer controlling the display of the node in Content Server's browse view (0=list,1=featured,2=hidden).
      java.lang.String getComment()
      Gets the comment for the node.
      NodeContainerInfo getContainerInfo()
      Gets the ContainerInfo object for the node, if it is a container.
      java.util.Date getCreateDate()
      Gets the date the node was created.
      java.lang.Long getCreatedBy()
      Gets the ID of the user who created the node.
      java.lang.String getDisplayType()
      Gets the localized type name of the node.
      NodeFeature[] getFeatures()
      Gets the additional node features, specific to the type of the node.
      NodeFeature getFeatures​(int index)
      Gets the value at the specified index in the Features array.
      long getID()
      Gets the ID of the node.
      boolean getIsContainer()
      Gets the flag indicating whether the node is a container.
      boolean getIsReference()
      Gets the flag indicating whether the node is a reference to another node.
      boolean getIsReservable()
      Gets the flag indicating whether the node supports reservation.
      boolean getIsVersionable()
      Gets the flag indicating whether the node supports versions.
      Metadata getMetadata()
      Gets the metadata for the node - null if metadata is not specified.
      java.util.Date getModifyDate()
      Gets the date the node was last modified.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Gets the name of the node.
      java.lang.String getNickname()
      Gets the nickname of the node.
      long getParentID()
      Gets the ID of the parent node of the node.
      boolean getPartialData()
      Gets the flag indicating whether the node's data is partially filled or complete.
      NodePermissions getPermissions()
      Gets the Permissions object representing the authenticated user's permission on the node.
      java.lang.Long getPosition()
      Gets the position of the node (used for nodes contained in compound documents).
      NodeReferenceInfo getReferenceInfo()
      Gets the NodeReferenceInfo object for the node, if it is a reference node.
      boolean getReleased()
      Gets the flag indicating whether the node is released.
      NodeReservationInfo getReservationInfo()
      Gets the NodeReservationInfo object for the node, if it is reservable.
      java.lang.String getType()
      Gets the type name of the node.
      NodeVersionInfo getVersionInfo()
      Gets the NodeVersionInfo object for the node, if it supports versions.
      long getVolumeID()
      Gets the volume ID of the node.
      void load​(com.opentext.api.LLValue value)
      Deserialize an ServiceDataObject from an LLValue that is received from Livelink.
      void setCatalog​(java.lang.Integer value)
      Sets the integer controlling the display of the node in Content Server's browse view (0=list,1=featured,2=hidden).
      void setComment​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the comment for the node.
      void setContainerInfo​(NodeContainerInfo value)
      Sets the ContainerInfo object for the node, if it is a container.
      void setCreateDate​(java.util.Date value)
      Sets the date the node was created.
      void setCreatedBy​(java.lang.Long value)
      Sets the ID of the user who created the node.
      void setDisplayType​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the localized type name of the node.
      void setFeatures​(int index, NodeFeature value)
      Sets the value at the specified index in the fFeatures array.
      void setFeatures​(NodeFeature[] value)
      Sets the additional node features, specific to the type of the node.
      void setID​(long value)
      Sets the ID of the node.
      void setIsContainer​(boolean value)
      Sets the flag indicating whether the node is a container.
      void setIsReference​(boolean value)
      Sets the flag indicating whether the node is a reference to another node.
      void setIsReservable​(boolean value)
      Sets the flag indicating whether the node supports reservation.
      void setIsVersionable​(boolean value)
      Sets the flag indicating whether the node supports versions.
      void setMetadata​(Metadata value)
      Sets the metadata for the node - null if metadata is not specified.
      void setModifyDate​(java.util.Date value)
      Sets the date the node was last modified.
      void setName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the name of the node.
      void setNickname​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the nickname of the node.
      void setParentID​(long value)
      Sets the ID of the parent node of the node.
      void setPartialData​(boolean value)
      Sets the flag indicating whether the node's data is partially filled or complete.
      void setPermissions​(NodePermissions value)
      Sets the Permissions object representing the authenticated user's permission on the node.
      void setPosition​(java.lang.Long value)
      Sets the position of the node (used for nodes contained in compound documents).
      void setReferenceInfo​(NodeReferenceInfo value)
      Sets the NodeReferenceInfo object for the node, if it is a reference node.
      void setReleased​(boolean value)
      Sets the flag indicating whether the node is released.
      void setReservationInfo​(NodeReservationInfo value)
      Sets the NodeReservationInfo object for the node, if it is reservable.
      void setType​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the type name of the node.
      void setVersionInfo​(NodeVersionInfo value)
      Sets the NodeVersionInfo object for the node, if it supports versions.
      void setVolumeID​(long value)
      Sets the volume ID of the node.
      com.opentext.api.LLValue toLLValue()
      Serialize an SDO object to an LLValue that can be sent to Livelink.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns a string representation of the object consisting of the object name and any features and their values within square brackets.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Node

        public Node()
    • Method Detail

      • setCatalog

        public void setCatalog​(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the integer controlling the display of the node in Content Server's browse view (0=list,1=featured,2=hidden).
      • getCatalog

        public java.lang.Integer getCatalog()
        Gets the integer controlling the display of the node in Content Server's browse view (0=list,1=featured,2=hidden).
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the comment for the node.
      • getComment

        public java.lang.String getComment()
        Gets the comment for the node.
      • setContainerInfo

        public void setContainerInfo​(NodeContainerInfo value)
        Sets the ContainerInfo object for the node, if it is a container.
      • getContainerInfo

        public NodeContainerInfo getContainerInfo()
        Gets the ContainerInfo object for the node, if it is a container.
      • setCreateDate

        public void setCreateDate​(java.util.Date value)
        Sets the date the node was created.
      • getCreateDate

        public java.util.Date getCreateDate()
        Gets the date the node was created.
      • setCreatedBy

        public void setCreatedBy​(java.lang.Long value)
        Sets the ID of the user who created the node.
      • getCreatedBy

        public java.lang.Long getCreatedBy()
        Gets the ID of the user who created the node.
      • setDisplayType

        public void setDisplayType​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the localized type name of the node.
      • getDisplayType

        public java.lang.String getDisplayType()
        Gets the localized type name of the node.
      • setFeatures

        public void setFeatures​(NodeFeature[] value)
        Sets the additional node features, specific to the type of the node.
      • getFeatures

        public NodeFeature[] getFeatures()
        Gets the additional node features, specific to the type of the node.
      • setFeatures

        public void setFeatures​(int index,
                                NodeFeature value)
        Sets the value at the specified index in the fFeatures array.
      • getFeatures

        public NodeFeature getFeatures​(int index)
        Gets the value at the specified index in the Features array.
      • setID

        public void setID​(long value)
        Sets the ID of the node.
      • getID

        public long getID()
        Gets the ID of the node.
      • setIsContainer

        public void setIsContainer​(boolean value)
        Sets the flag indicating whether the node is a container.
      • getIsContainer

        public boolean getIsContainer()
        Gets the flag indicating whether the node is a container.
      • setIsReference

        public void setIsReference​(boolean value)
        Sets the flag indicating whether the node is a reference to another node.
      • getIsReference

        public boolean getIsReference()
        Gets the flag indicating whether the node is a reference to another node.
      • setIsReservable

        public void setIsReservable​(boolean value)
        Sets the flag indicating whether the node supports reservation.
      • getIsReservable

        public boolean getIsReservable()
        Gets the flag indicating whether the node supports reservation.
      • setIsVersionable

        public void setIsVersionable​(boolean value)
        Sets the flag indicating whether the node supports versions.
      • getIsVersionable

        public boolean getIsVersionable()
        Gets the flag indicating whether the node supports versions.
      • setMetadata

        public void setMetadata​(Metadata value)
        Sets the metadata for the node - null if metadata is not specified.
      • getMetadata

        public Metadata getMetadata()
        Gets the metadata for the node - null if metadata is not specified.
      • setModifyDate

        public void setModifyDate​(java.util.Date value)
        Sets the date the node was last modified.
      • getModifyDate

        public java.util.Date getModifyDate()
        Gets the date the node was last modified.
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the name of the node.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Gets the name of the node.
      • setNickname

        public void setNickname​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the nickname of the node.
      • getNickname

        public java.lang.String getNickname()
        Gets the nickname of the node.
      • setParentID

        public void setParentID​(long value)
        Sets the ID of the parent node of the node.
      • getParentID

        public long getParentID()
        Gets the ID of the parent node of the node.
      • setPartialData

        public void setPartialData​(boolean value)
        Sets the flag indicating whether the node's data is partially filled or complete. Certain node operations, like ListNodes, may return partial data for performance reasons.
      • getPartialData

        public boolean getPartialData()
        Gets the flag indicating whether the node's data is partially filled or complete. Certain node operations, like ListNodes, may return partial data for performance reasons.
      • setPermissions

        public void setPermissions​(NodePermissions value)
        Sets the Permissions object representing the authenticated user's permission on the node.
      • getPermissions

        public NodePermissions getPermissions()
        Gets the Permissions object representing the authenticated user's permission on the node.
      • setPosition

        public void setPosition​(java.lang.Long value)
        Sets the position of the node (used for nodes contained in compound documents).
      • getPosition

        public java.lang.Long getPosition()
        Gets the position of the node (used for nodes contained in compound documents).
      • setReferenceInfo

        public void setReferenceInfo​(NodeReferenceInfo value)
        Sets the NodeReferenceInfo object for the node, if it is a reference node.
      • getReferenceInfo

        public NodeReferenceInfo getReferenceInfo()
        Gets the NodeReferenceInfo object for the node, if it is a reference node.
      • setReleased

        public void setReleased​(boolean value)
        Sets the flag indicating whether the node is released.
      • getReleased

        public boolean getReleased()
        Gets the flag indicating whether the node is released.
      • setReservationInfo

        public void setReservationInfo​(NodeReservationInfo value)
        Sets the NodeReservationInfo object for the node, if it is reservable.
      • getReservationInfo

        public NodeReservationInfo getReservationInfo()
        Gets the NodeReservationInfo object for the node, if it is reservable.
      • setType

        public void setType​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the type name of the node.
      • getType

        public java.lang.String getType()
        Gets the type name of the node.
      • setVersionInfo

        public void setVersionInfo​(NodeVersionInfo value)
        Sets the NodeVersionInfo object for the node, if it supports versions.
      • getVersionInfo

        public NodeVersionInfo getVersionInfo()
        Gets the NodeVersionInfo object for the node, if it supports versions.
      • setVolumeID

        public void setVolumeID​(long value)
        Sets the volume ID of the node.
      • getVolumeID

        public long getVolumeID()
        Gets the volume ID of the node.
      • load

        public void load​(com.opentext.api.LLValue value)
        Description copied from interface: IServiceDataObject
        Deserialize an ServiceDataObject from an LLValue that is received from Livelink. The LLValue is an Assoc that contains all of the features of this SDO. These features may refer to other SDOs and contain arrays of primitive values or SDOs. Each referenced SDO, will have its load() method called as well. Note: this is an internal method not meant to be called by clients.
        Specified by:
        load in interface IServiceDataObject
        load in class ServiceDataObject
        value - the LLValue containing the data to be loaded
      • toLLValue

        public com.opentext.api.LLValue toLLValue()
        Description copied from interface: IServiceDataObject
        Serialize an SDO object to an LLValue that can be sent to Livelink. Each feature of the SDO is stored in a key of the LLValue Assoc. Any references to other SDOs cause their toLLValue() method to be called. Note: this is an internal method not meant to be called by clients.
        Specified by:
        toLLValue in interface IServiceDataObject
        toLLValue in class ServiceDataObject
        Returns the LLValue object that represents this SDO
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Description copied from class: ServiceDataObject
        Returns a string representation of the object consisting of the object name and any features and their values within square brackets. Intended for simple debugging or logging of an SDO.
        toString in class ServiceDataObject