Package com.opentext.livelink.service.docman
Provides the classes and interfaces for manipulating document content within Content Server.
Class Summary Class Description Attribute Attribute is an abstract class used to describe a metadata element in an AttributeGroup (e.g. an attribute in a Category).AttributeGroup An AttributeGroup stores the array of DataValues which correspond to the Attribute array in an AttributeGroupDefinition.AttributeGroupDefinition An AttributeGroupDefinition represents an ordered list of Attributes.BooleanAttribute A BooleanAttribute represents boolean values.CategoryInheritance A CategoryInheritance represents the category's inheritability by the children of the node to which this category is attached.CategoryItemsUpgradeInfo CategoryItemsUpgradeInfo contains information about the last batch of nodes whose category definitions have been upgraded.CollectionItem Represents an item in a collection.CompoundDocRelease A CompoundDocRelease contains information about a release (Name, Major, Minor) and the ID of the released CompoundDoc node (ID).CopyOptions CopyOptions is used to specify the options to copy an object with using CopyNode of the document management service.DateAttribute A DateAttribute represents Date values.DocumentManagement_JAXWS DocumentManagement defines the service that is responsible for document management operations in Content Server.GetNodesInContainerOptions GetNodesInContainerOptions is passed to GetNodesInContainer and describes the nodes wanted.IntegerAttribute An IntegerAttribute represents Integer values.ItemReferenceAttribute An ItemReferenceAttribute represents items in Content Server, stored as item ID integer values.Metadata Metadata is a wrapper for the array of AttributeGroup node metadata.MetadataLanguage Contains information describing a metadata language.MoveOptions MoveOptions is used to specify the options to copy an object with using MoveNode of the document management service.MultiLineAttribute A MultiLineAttribute is a String-valued attribute for a text box.MultilingualMetadata MultilingualMetadata contains metadata information about a node in a specific language.Node A Node is the basic object of document management in Content Server.NodeAuditRecord NodeAuditRecord contains user-accessible information about an audited event which occurred for a Node.NodeContainerInfo NodeContainerInfo contains information about the contents of a Node.NodeFeature NodeFeatures store named values which apply to the particular type of Node.NodePageResult NodePageResult is returned by ListNodesByPage(), and contains the requested nodes, and other information about the list.NodePageSpecification NodePageSpecification is passed to ListNodesByPage(), and describes the page wanted.NodePermissions NodePermissions contains the set of individual node permission flags.NodePosition NodePosition is used to indicate the position of a child node for the RearrangeNodes service method.NodeReferenceInfo NodeReferenceInfo contains information about the referenced node.NodeReservationInfo NodeReservationInfo contains information about the reservation status of a node.NodeRight NodeRight represents the permissions associated with a particular user/group entity and context.NodeRights NodeRights represents the collection of rights associated with a node.NodeRightUpdateInfo Contains information about the last batch of nodes whose rights have been updated.NodeVersionInfo NodeVersionInfo contains version information about a node.PagedNodeAuditData PagedNodeAuditData is used to manage fetching of audit records in pages.PrimitiveAttribute A PrimitiveAttribute is an abstract class for an attribute in a Content Server Category which represents a primitive data type such as a String or Integer.RealAttribute A RealAttribute represents Real values.ReportResult Results of running a LiveReport.SetAttribute A SetAttribute is a special attribute which represents a (potentially multi-valued) list of individual Attributes.StringAttribute A StringAttribute represents String values.UserAttribute A UserAttribute represents Users or Groups in Content Server, stored as UserID integer values.Version A Version object contains information about a (Document) version. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AttributeSourceType AttributeSourceType controls CopyNode and MoveNode category handling.RightOperation Specifies the type of operation to perform when updating node rights.RightPropagation Specifies the scope of a node rights update.